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120 Day Delinquent Debt Referral Compliance Report


12/31/2015 — 03/31/2024Released QuarterlyLast Updated 07/26/2024
The 120 Day Delinquent Debt Referral Compliance Report provides tracking and benchmarking information on federal agencies' compliance with the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014 (the DATA Act). The DATA Act requires federal agencies to refer to the Treasury Offset Program legally enforceable non-tax debts that are greater than 120 days delinquent for Administrative Offset. This dataset was designed to increase transparency and provide quick insights into federal agency compliance rates, as well as information on the number of eligible debts, debts referred, and debts not referred each quarter, beginning in Fiscal Year 2016.

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120 Day Delinquent Debt Referral Compliance Reportrecord_dateRecord DateThe date that data was published.DATE1
120 Day Delinquent Debt Referral Compliance Reportagency_bureau_indicatorAgency Bureau IndicatorDistinguishes between Agency and Bureau.STRING
120 Day Delinquent Debt Referral Compliance Reportagency_nmAgency NameIndicates the Agency to which the Bureau belongs, if applicable.STRING
120 Day Delinquent Debt Referral Compliance Reportbureau_nmBureau NameThe name of the Bureau for which compliance rate data is presented.STRING
120 Day Delinquent Debt Referral Compliance Reporttotal_eligible_debt_amtTotal Eligible Debt AmountDollar value of debt required to be referred to the Treasury Offset Program by the Agency or Bureau (Part 2 section B line 1 M (amount) as reported on the Treasury Report on Receivables).CURRENCY1
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