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Federal Borrowings Program: Interest on Uninvested Funds


12/31/2016 — 06/30/2024Released QuarterlyLast Updated 07/02/2024
The Federal Borrowings Program: Interest on Uninvested Funds dataset provides quarterly interest balances associated with the Department of the Treasury (Treasury) Credit Reform: Interest Paid on Uninvested Funds account. This data includes the amount of interest payable and interest expense by department.

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Federal Borrowings Program: Interest on Uninvested Fundsrecord_dateRecord DateThe date that data was published.DATE1
Federal Borrowings Program: Interest on Uninvested Fundsdepartment_idDepartment IDThe Department Identifier code associated with the borrowing account number.STRING
Federal Borrowings Program: Interest on Uninvested Fundsfund_idFund IDThe General Ledger borrowing account number.STRING
Federal Borrowings Program: Interest on Uninvested Fundsinterest_payable_amtInterest Payable AmountThe amount of interest owed by Treasury's Credit Reform: Interest Paid on Uninvested Funds (020X1880) account to borrowing accounts that fall under the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990, as amended (FCRA) as of the last calendar day of the most recent quarter. The amounts for the first three quarters of the Fiscal Year are estimated while the amounts for the fourth quarter are zero as all of the interest is collected by September 30 each fiscal year.CURRENCY
Federal Borrowings Program: Interest on Uninvested Fundsinterest_expense_amtInterest Expense AmountThe amount of Treasury's Interest Expense for its Credit Reform: Interest Paid on Uninvested Funds (020X1880) account associated with borrowing accounts that fall under the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990, as amended (FCRA) as of the last calendar day of the most recent quarter. The amounts for the first three quarters of the Fiscal Year are estimated while the amounts for the fourth quarter are actual as all of the interest is collected by September 30 each fiscal year.CURRENCY
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