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Federal Borrowings Program: Summary General Ledger Balances Report


10/31/2005 — 06/30/2024Released MonthlyLast Updated 07/02/2024
The Federal Borrowings Program: Summary General Ledger Balances Report dataset provides Treasury Loans Receivable, Capitalized Interest Receivable, Interest Receivable, Interest Revenue, Gain, and Loss balances associated with every corresponding borrowing agency expenditure Treasury Account Symbol.

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Summary General Ledger Borrowing Balancesrecord_dateRecord DateThe date for which the data was published.DATE1
Summary General Ledger Borrowing Balancesaccount_cdAccount CodeThe 2-digit Agency Identifier followed by the 4-digit Main Account Code of the applicable borrowing agency account.STRING1
Summary General Ledger Borrowing Balancesdept_cdDepartment CodeThe 3-digit Agency Identifier of the applicable borrowing agency.STRING
Summary General Ledger Borrowing Balancesloans_receivable_amtLoans Receivable AmountFiscal Service's Loans Receivable Balances.CURRENCY
Summary General Ledger Borrowing Balancescapitalized_int_receivable_amtCapitalized Interest Receivable AmountFiscal Service's Capitalized Interest Receivable Balances.CURRENCY
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