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Federal Investments Program: Interest Cost by Fund


10/31/2001 — 06/30/2024Released MonthlyLast Updated 07/03/2024
The Federal Investments Program: Interest Cost by Fund dataset provides a summary of accounts within the Federal Investments Program including premiums, discounts, accrued interest collected, interest payments, and inflation compensation for all accounts invested in Government Account Series (GAS) Securities, as well as premium and discount amortization for accounts invested in zero-coupon bonds. Additionally, this dataset shows the Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) information for all accounts.

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Federal Investments Program: Interest Cost by Fundrecord_dateRecord DateThe date that data was published.DATE1
Federal Investments Program: Interest Cost by Fundfund_idFund IDTreasury Account Symbol (TAS), representing individual appropriation, receipt, and other fund accounts for agencies and bureaus.STRING1
Federal Investments Program: Interest Cost by Fundfund_descFund DescriptionAccount NameSTRING1
Federal Investments Program: Interest Cost by Fundcost_type_descCost Type DescriptionThe type of cost based accounting method used (cash or accrual basis).STRING1
Federal Investments Program: Interest Cost by Fundnet_premium_amtNet Premium AmountFor cash basis accounts, the net premium amount represents the net of premiums paid and collected for an account. A positive value indicates that the value of premiums paid was greater than the value of premiums collected. For accrual basis accounts, the net premium amount represents the amount of premiums amortized. Investment accounts pay a premium on non-marketable securities when the purchase price exceeds $100 on the specific security being purchased.CURRENCY
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