The Monthly Treasury Statement (MTS) dataset provides information on the flow of money into and out of the U.S. Department of the Treasury. It includes how deficits are funded, such as borrowing from the public or reducing operating cash, and how surpluses are distributed. Further tables categorize spending (outlays) by department and agency, revenue (receipts) by specific taxes or other government sources of income, and transactions with trust funds such as Social Security or Medicare. All values are reported in millions of U.S. dollars.
Name |
Data Table Name | Field Name | Display Name | Description | Data Type | Is Required |
Summary of Receipts, Outlays, and the Deficit/Surplus of the U.S. Government | record_date | Record Date | The date that data was published. | DATE | 0 |
Summary of Receipts, Outlays, and the Deficit/Surplus of the U.S. Government | parent_id | Parent ID | Identifies which record the classification_id belongs to in the hierarchy. | STRING | 1 |
Summary of Receipts, Outlays, and the Deficit/Surplus of the U.S. Government | classification_id | Classification ID | Unique identifier for a particular data point. This ID changes each time the MTS is published. The value is never repeated or reused. | STRING | 0 |
Summary of Receipts, Outlays, and the Deficit/Surplus of the U.S. Government | classification_desc | Classification Description | A more detailed description for the recorded data point. | STRING | 0 |
Summary of Receipts, Outlays, and the Deficit/Surplus of the U.S. Government | current_month_gross_rcpt_amt | Current Month Gross Receipts Amount | Monies collected by the United States Government for the current month. | CURRENCY | 1 |
Table Name | Description | Row Description | Row Count |
Name | Definition |
Total Public Debt Outstanding Disclaimer
There are six datasets on Fiscal Data which include the national debt, which is referred to as Total Public Debt Outstanding (TPDO). TPDO is the sum of Debt Held by the Public and Intragovernmental (Intragov) Holdings. Some datasets include debt issued by the Federal Financing Bank (FFB). The datasets listed below only include debt issued by the Treasury Department. The list below provides information on where there are differences in debt calculations related to the national debt.
Debt to the Penny contains TPDO, as well as a breakout of Debt Held by the Public and Intragov Holdings. In this dataset, Intragov Holdings includes debt issued by the FFB.
Historical Debt Outstanding contains TPDO, but no breakout of Debt Held by the Public and Intragov Holdings. In this dataset, TPDO includes debt issued by the FFB.
Daily Treasury Statement (DTS) contains Debt Held by the Public and Intragov Holdings, but does not aggregate these two categories into TPDO. In this dataset, Intragov Holdings includes debt issued by the FFB. Dollar values for Debt Held by the Public and Intragov Holdings are rounded in millions to cohere with other data in the dataset. Please note that the published reports on the Fiscal Service site contain TPDO values.
Monthly Treasury Statement (MTS) contains TPDO, as well as a breakout of Debt Held by the Public and Intragov Holdings. In this dataset, Intragov Holdings includes debt issued by the FFB.
Monthly Statement of the Public Debt (MSPD) contains TPDO, as well as a breakout of Debt Held by the Public and Intragov Holdings. In this dataset, Intragov Holdings includes debt issued by the FFB. Dollar values are rounded in millions to cohere with other data in the dataset.
Schedules of Federal Debt contains Debt Held by the Public and Intragov Holdings, but does not aggregate these two categories into TPDO. In this dataset, Intragov Holdings do not include debt issued by the FFB. Dollar values are rounded in millions to cohere with other data in the dataset.
End Total Public Debt Outstanding Disclaimer
MTS datasets include total and subtotal rows that should be excluded when aggregating data. Some rows represent elements of a given dataset's hierarchy, but are not assigned values. The classification_id for each of these elements can be used as the parent_id for underlying data elements to calculate their implied values. Subtotal rows will often be available to access this same information.
Money flowing into the Treasury is known as receipts, and money flowing out is known as outlays. A surplus occurs if the total value of receipts exceeds the value of outlays, and a deficit occurs when the value of outlays exceeds the value of receipts. All values are reported in millions of U.S. dollars. Some columns in this dataset overlap with the Historical Debt Outstanding, Daily Treasury Statement (DTS), Schedules of Federal Debt, Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding, and Debt to the Penny datasets.
Debt issued by the Federal Financing Bank is included in the intragovernmental holdings on the MTS, but not in the Schedules of Federal Debt because it is not debt managed by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service. The difference between these datasets is equal to the amount of the Federal Financing Bank amount. The MTS only reports interest that has been paid out of the Treasury Account Symbol 20X0550 - Interest on the Public Debt. This does not align with the Total Interest on the Public Debt in the Interest Expense on the Public Debt Outstanding dataset because it does not include the restoration of foregone interest due to the Debt Issuance Suspension Period.
When payments of individual income and Social Security and Medicare taxes are made, the taxpayer makes a single, combined payment and does not report the amounts attributable to each tax. Thus, the MTS reports Social Security and Medicare taxes as estimated amounts and reports individual income taxes as the residual of the combined payments minus the Social Security and Medicare estimated amounts. When the actual amounts of Social Security and Medicare taxes are determined, the MTS reflects the difference between the initial estimates and the actual amounts as an adjustment for prior years' taxes with an offsetting adjustment to individual income taxes. In Fiscal Year 2020, estimates of Social Security and Medicare taxes were made prior to the onset of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
Downloaded CSV files with values greater than $10 trillion may have the final two digits (cents) excluded due to digit limits enforced by the application used to access the file. The JSON and XML file downloads are not impacted by this limitation.
Total Public Debt Outstanding = Debt Held by the Public + Intragovernmental Holdings
Please note that Total Public Debt Outstanding may be calculated differently within different datasets. See those datasets Notes & Known Limitations section for more details.
Note on Published Reports: Most copies are from the Treasury Library collection with the help from Stanford University Libraries collection and Google Books.
Table Name | Endpoint |
Field Name | Display Name | Data Type | Data Table Name |