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Historical Qualified Tax Credit Bond Interest Rates


03/30/2009 — 01/29/2018Released Daily (Discontinued)Last Updated 07/02/2020
The Historical Qualified Tax Credit Bond Interest Rates dataset provides the historical interest rate, term to maturity, and permitted sinking fund yield (PSFY) for Qualified Tax Credit Bonds (QTCBs) reported daily through January 30, 2018. QTCBs include: new clean renewable energy bonds, qualified energy conservation bonds, qualified zone academy bonds, and qualified school construction bonds.

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Historical Qualified Tax Credit Bond Interest Ratesrecord_dateRecord DateThe date that data was published.DATE1
Historical Qualified Tax Credit Bond Interest Ratesinterest_rate_pctInterest Rate PercentHistorical QTCB interest ratePERCENTAGE1
Historical Qualified Tax Credit Bond Interest Ratesmaturity_descMaturity DescriptionTerm to maturitySTRING1
Historical Qualified Tax Credit Bond Interest Ratespsfy_pctPermitted Sinking Fund Yield PercentPermitted Sinking Fund Yield: The maximum permitted yield for the sinking fund expected to be used to repay the issue under section 54A(d)(4)(C) of the IRC. The permitted sinking fund yield is equal to 110% of the long-term adjusted applicable federal rate (AFR), compounded semiannually. The permitted sinking fund yield is updated monthly.PERCENTAGE1
Historical Qualified Tax Credit Bond Interest Ratessrc_line_nbrSource Line NumberIndicates the row of the corresponding table where the data point can be found.INTEGER1
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