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Treasury Bulletin


03/01/2021 — 06/30/2024Released QuarterlyLast Updated 07/02/2024
The Treasury Bulletin dataset contains a mix of narrative, charts, and tables regarding U.S. Treasury financial operations and special reports. The dataset includes a variety of data pertaining to Fiscal Service operations, ownership of federal securities, U.S. currency and coin outstanding and in circulation, foreign currency positions, and the exchange stabilization fund reported by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service.

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PDO-1 - Offerings of Regular Weekly Treasury Billsrecord_dateRecord DateThe date that data was published.DATE1
PDO-1 - Offerings of Regular Weekly Treasury Billsissue_dateIssue DateThe date that the Treasury bills were issued.DATE1
PDO-1 - Offerings of Regular Weekly Treasury Billsmaturity_dateMaturity DateThe date of maturity for the Treasury Bills listed.DATE1
PDO-1 - Offerings of Regular Weekly Treasury Billsdays_to_maturityNumber of Days to MaturityNumber of days remaining until maturity. All 13-week bills represent additional issues of bills with an original maturity of 26 weeks or 52 weeks. Certain 26-week bills represent additional issues of bills with an original maturity of 52 weeks. All 4-week and 8-week bills represent additional issues of bills with an original maturity of 17 weeks. NUMBER1
PDO-1 - Offerings of Regular Weekly Treasury Billsbids_tendered_mil_amtAmount of Bids Tendered (in Millions)Amount of bids tendered in millions of dollars.CURRENCY1
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