The Daily Treasury Statement (DTS) dataset contains a series of tables showing the daily cash and debt operations of the U.S. Treasury. The data includes operating cash balance, deposits and withdrawals of cash, public debt transactions, federal tax deposits, income tax refunds issued (by check and electronic funds transfer (EFT)), short-term cash investments, and issues and redemptions of securities. All figures are rounded to the nearest million. For further detail on the Government Account Series please refer to the Government Account Series Daily Activity Summary.
Name |
Data Table Name | Field Name | Display Name | Description | Data Type | Is Required |
Operating Cash Balance | record_date | Record Date | The date that data was published. | DATE | 1 |
Operating Cash Balance | account_type | Type of Account | The type of account with an operating cash balance. | STRING | 1 |
Operating Cash Balance | close_today_bal | Closing Balance Today | The closing balance at the end of business for the day. All figures are rounded to the nearest million. | CURRENCY0 | 1 |
Operating Cash Balance | open_today_bal | Opening Balance Today | The opening balance at the start of business for the day. All figures are rounded to the nearest million. | CURRENCY0 | 1 |
Operating Cash Balance | open_month_bal | Opening Balance This Month | The opening balance at the start of business on the first day of the month. All figures are rounded to the nearest million. | CURRENCY0 | 1 |
Table Name | Description | Row Description | Row Count |
Name | Definition |
Total Public Debt Outstanding Disclaimer
There are six datasets on Fiscal Data which include the national debt, which is referred to as Total Public Debt Outstanding (TPDO). TPDO is the sum of Debt Held by the Public and Intragovernmental (Intragov) Holdings. Some datasets include debt issued by the Federal Financing Bank (FFB). The datasets listed below only include debt issued by the Treasury Department. The list below provides information on where there are differences in debt calculations related to the national debt.
Debt to the Penny contains TPDO, as well as a breakout of Debt Held by the Public and Intragov Holdings. In this dataset, Intragov Holdings includes debt issued by the FFB.
Historical Debt Outstanding contains TPDO, but no breakout of Debt Held by the Public and Intragov Holdings. In this dataset, TPDO includes debt issued by the FFB.
Daily Treasury Statement (DTS) contains Debt Held by the Public and Intragov Holdings, but does not aggregate these two categories into TPDO. In this dataset, Intragov Holdings includes debt issued by the FFB. Dollar values for Debt Held by the Public and Intragov Holdings are rounded in millions to cohere with other data in the dataset. Please note that the published reports on the Fiscal Service site contain TPDO values.
Monthly Treasury Statement (MTS) contains TPDO, as well as a breakout of Debt Held by the Public and Intragov Holdings. In this dataset, Intragov Holdings includes debt issued by the FFB.
Monthly Statement of the Public Debt (MSPD) contains TPDO, as well as a breakout of Debt Held by the Public and Intragov Holdings. In this dataset, Intragov Holdings includes debt issued by the FFB. Dollar values are rounded in millions to cohere with other data in the dataset.
Schedules of Federal Debt contains Debt Held by the Public and Intragov Holdings, but does not aggregate these two categories into TPDO. In this dataset, Intragov Holdings do not include debt issued by the FFB. Dollar values are rounded in millions to cohere with other data in the dataset.
End Total Public Debt Outstanding Disclaimer
As of February 14, 2023, Table V Short Term Cash Investments will no longer be updated and removed from the published report. The historical data will remain available within the dataset table. Income Tax Refunds Issued (Table VI) was renamed to Table V Income Tax Refunds Issued (Table V). Federal Tax Deposits (Table IV) was renamed to Inter-agency Tax Transfers (Table IV). Moving forward the Federal Tax Deposits data will be contained within Deposits and Withdrawals of Operating Cash (Table II). Federal Tax Deposits data prior to Feb. 14, 2023 will remain in Inter-agency Tax Transfers (Table IV).
Values related to the Statutory Debt Limit are not available for periods where the debt limit has been suspended and are represented as null in the dataset. Please refer to the footnotes of the DTS Published Report for further detail.
As of the October 1, 2021 statement, all references to Federal Reserve Account throughout the DTS are changed to Treasury General Account (TGA). The Short-Term Cash Investments table was indefinitely suspended in 2008. For documentation of historical changes to the DTS (past announcements), including changes in line item names and reporting, please refer to the DTS Announcements file.
In the Operating Cash Balance table, the closing balance today column values will be null from April 18, 2022 onwards to reflect DTS updates. Please reference the TGA Closing Balance value within the Type of Account column to find the closing balance values within the opening balance columns.
Some columns in this dataset overlap with the Monthly Statement of the Public Debt (MSPD), Monthly Treasury Statement (MTS), Historical Debt Outstanding, and Debt to the Penny datasets. Please note that Total Public Debt Outstanding may be calculated differently within different datasets. See each dataset's Notes & Known Limitations section for more details. This dataset does not explicitly state the Total Public Debt Outstanding, which is available within the actual Daily Treasury Statement. The dataset does contain Debt Held by the Public and Intragovernmental Holdings which sum to Total Public Debt Outstanding.
Total Public Debt Outstanding = Debt Held by the Public + Intragovernmental Holdings
Note on Published Reports: Most copies are from the Treasury Library collection with the help from Stanford University Libraries collection and Google Books.
For further detail on the Government Account Series please refer to the Government Account Series Daily Activity Summary.
Table Name | Endpoint |
Field Name | Display Name | Data Type | Data Table Name |