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Unemployment Trust Fund: Quarterly Yields


12/31/1999 — 06/30/2024Released QuarterlyLast Updated 07/01/2024
Unemployment Trust Fund: Quarterly Yields data provides quarterly rates earned on Unemployment Trust Funds from 1999 to present. Each quarterly report lists the yield rate on reserves in Unemployment Trust Funds. The Unemployment Trust Fund is made up of 59 U.S. Treasury accounts, including an account for each state. Quarterly Yields are earned based on fund balances.

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Unemployment Trust Fund: Quarterly Yieldsrecord_dateRecord DateThe date that data was published.DATE1
Unemployment Trust Fund: Quarterly Yieldsquarter_descQuarter DescriptionThe quarter associated with the yield.STRING1
Unemployment Trust Fund: Quarterly Yieldsyield_pctYieldThe quarterly yield amount calculated.PERCENTAGE1
Unemployment Trust Fund: Quarterly Yieldssrc_line_nbrSource Line NumberIndicates the row of the corresponding table where the data point can be found.INTEGER1
Unemployment Trust Fund: Quarterly Yieldsrecord_fiscal_yearFiscal YearThe fiscal year associated with record_date. The federal government's fiscal year runs from October 1 to September 30.YEAR1
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